Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Crabtree Pub, London, on the water

Order your food from the barbecue and they will ring your mobile phone to tell you when it's ready!

The Crabtree Pub is a jolly place which has something for everyone, an outdoor barbecue, an area like a garden party, a riverside area, an upmarket indoor restaurant.

The crowd is elegant. All ages are at home. Dogs toddlers and prams, elderly people with wheelchairs and sticks, couples enjoying a tete a tete, girls having a get together, all seemed to have their own corners undisturbed by and not disturbing others.

  What else is for this venue? You can park in the street alongside on Sundays. They serve prosecco by the glass.
 Anything against going here? The outdoor barbecue's chips are thin and crispy, reminded me of McDonalds. At busy Sunday lunchtime you might not get a table by the river immediately. By the river at dusk there are flies which might bite you.
   Outdoor or in? We were at a do for a former colleague, so had to stay with the group outdoors. It was such good weather we were glad of the opportunity. If it had rained, maybe our large group would have moved indoors.
  Service - immediately somebody offered to help us and directed us to the area of our group of friends, although, it was not cordoned off.
  We shared a vegetarian burger, rather than the chicken as we already had chicken planned for our evening meal at home.

   They seemed to have everything, from wines by the glass or bottle to hamburgers and sorbets.

You can walk along the riverside and look at the birds and ducks.

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